Domain Name Transfer

Transfer your domain, hassle free

Transfer your domain for free by paying for a one-year term upfront with CIT. Get an additional year extension with our exclusive welcome offer.

  • .co ₹ 3,000
  • .com.in ₹ 850
  • .dev ₹ 1,800
  • .digital ₹ 2,970
  • .eu ₹ 1,500


₹ 1200 only


How to transfer a domain in 3 easy steps

1. Ready your code

First, verify that your domain is unlocked and transferable. Then, ask your current provider for a transfer authorization code.

2. Set up with CIT

Enter your domain in the field above and we’ll walk you through the rest of the process.

3. Confirm transfer

Add your transfer code on the next page and finalize your transfer by clicking on an email confirmation.

Domain transfer - FAQs


Still have Questions?

What's a domain transfer?

If you move your domain from one provider to another you're transferring your domain. Why do people transfer their domain? Domain providers offer different features and services for any given domain name. Usually, it's about value. Customers transfer their domain to providers like CIT to add value to their domain name.

Are all domains transferable?

While all ICANN domains are transferrable, other domains have restrictions or other special conditions. Country Code TLDs or (ccTLDs), like Colombia's .co or Canada's .ca domain extensions, may have different transfer policies. The .xyz extension also has special rule regarding transfers. Blockchain domains, like .crypto, .bitcoin, and .wallet, are currently not eligible for transfer at CIT. If you have any questions, our transfer experts would be happy to help!

What do I need to transfer a domain?

To transfer your domain you'll need the authorization code from your current provider and the current email address associated with your account. Double check you have access to this email account, because you'll receive your code in this mailbox. We recommend that you back up all the content on your existing domain, this will not be transferred to your new host.

How do I get a transfer authorization code from my current provider?

You'll find answers to all your authorization code questions and step-by-step guides in the CIT Help Center.